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Re: Mail failure
On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Msg Recipient wrote:
> TO: owner-quattro-digest DATE: 11-12-96
> TIME: 10:32
> SUBJECT: Mail failure
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A) Who's the wingnut who sent 6000 pages of email?
B) This reminds me of an 'episode' I had a few months ago at work. I was
in charge of the internet gateway stuff at SNET and they wanted to do
mail through an x400 blah blah blah. We had a meeting where I was going
to protest the BS rules we had and was going to request some freedoms. So
what do I do? I stand up and say " Im having mail performance problems.."
I still havent lived it down.
- References:
- Mail failure
- From: "Msg Recipient" <POSTMASTER@wrmsboth.nwest.attws.com>