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Dash Switch Lights

Audite Audi Acolytes:

I have a theological question.  Having fixed the lights in the seat 
heater switches, I see that they and the ABS light are the same 
brightness and unaffected by the dash panel light dimmer.  The fog 
light switches and the rear window heater switch, on the other hand, 
are adjustable and much lower in brightness, even adjusted to maximum. 
 Anyone care to speculate why the Audi gods did this?

1988 90q

***                 ...Kirby    (Kirby A. Smith)                 ***
***              ksmith1@mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com             ***
***              [=]   kirby.a.smith@lmco.com                    ***
***  Opinions expressed herein are entirely those of the author. ***