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Re: Financing/Leasing sources

There probably are, but are you sure you want to do this?
Leasing companies are, to quote one financial industry worker, "unregulated
banking" machines.  a less charitable description was legal usury.  the part
of leasing that is typically overlooked is that you pay to finance the
residual for the entire duration of the lease, in addition to the monthly
"rent."  sure, it sounds all fine and dandy with a "lower" payment rate, but
in the end, you don't own the car, which you do with a bank note.  Try a
credit union for the best rates;  for the lowest payments, find the longest
term you can, though you pay more interest that way.  If you've got
home-equity, that is the absolute cheapest way to go, just beware that it's
much easier to get too long a term (and have to keep paying long after the
car is gone)

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Scott Bermes wrote:
> Are there any leasing vendors in the marketplace which will do business 
> without having to purchase a car from a dealer? If I see a '94-'96 
> model from a private seller, where can I go to look at a lease?  
> Financing a S4/S6 on a 5 year bank note is still an expensive 
> proposition for my budget.
* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa      *** note new domain *** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      *
*                                                                    *
*             The obscure we eventually see,                         *
*             the completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.        *
*                               - Edward R. Murrow                   *