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Re: Psycho Bob rants more

Psycho Bob wrote:

> >>   Dear Psycho Bob,
> >>        Are you high?  Spare me ...
> >Spare us all.
> Hahahaha! Well, I wasn't high -- I was quite pissed. If you look at the
> time I posted, you'll notice it was 5:30am. I am not accustomed to get
> awakened that early. The reason was that I was awakened by Loud Sound --
> from my familiarty of my neighborhood, I think it was that damn blasted
> Harly Davidson again (which sounds louder than a convoy of UPS trucks).
> At that time when I saw the post, I began to get pissed off by the
> arrogance of U.S. domestic transportation makers. Hence my rant-o-matic
> firing off.
> My apologies to the list members (but not to the mentioned mfrs)...

Bob, you have my full support and understanding.

I am also pissed by a Harley next door BIG TIME. 
Was recently assalted by another one (wearing a metallic-painted Nazi
helmet) evidently because I wore a white shirt and a tie AND did not
clear the way quickly enough for his majesty born-to-be-wild. What is
this flirt with a low life image all about anyway...Like they say, if I
have to ask...
