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USA Q-meet: Voting Results

Well, here are the results of the responses I received. There were a total
of 33 responses (hmm... just how many are on this list?), including myself.
I thought that I would have received more responses. Perhaps once the event
takes shape, more will jump on the bandwagon?

I figure that with Turkey-Day this week, not much can be expected from
anyone relative to the organization of this event (especially me, since I am
driving up to MA for a good portion of this week), so I am figuring that by
next week, everyone will have some more thoughts on how we can pull this off
next year.

With that said, please ponder the results, and feel free to e-mail me with
any suggestions, recommendations, offers for assistance, specific sights of
interest, exciting roads to travel etc. (I have received some... the more
the merrier!!)

I then believe that we will need some regional coordinators to start to
organize the whole process. If you wish to help organize the event, please
let me know where you live and what territory you are willing to cover (i.e.
MA covering New England). Please keep in mind that even if you are not
planning on going all the way to the final destination, you can help
organize things for the convoy gatherings along the way.

I also need to know if anyone has any ties to AoA, QCUSA, race-tracks,
and/or any outside forms of media (i.e. automobile magazines, television
etc..). As well, if anyone is willing to help with such, let me know.

Now.... a drum-roll please......

And the winner is... Pikes Peak, around the 4th of July!!!

The majority also voted to include a track event, attempt to get AoA
involved, as well as publicize outside the list. If unable to go the
distance, the majority said they will definitely try to meet any convoy that
is passing through on the way.

Anyway, here are the results:

1. One event/place or two? (i.e. east/Indy and west/Pike's Peak)

a. One - 25
b. Two - 4
c. Several - 1
d. Doesn't matter - 3

2. Pike's Peak or Indy? (keep in mind that some from the east can hit Indy
on the way)

a. Pike's Peak - 17
b. Indy - 9
c. Both - 4
d. Several - 1
e. Other - Kansas City (1); Detroit (1)

3. Preferred month? May, June, July, August (other months accepted also)

a. May - 1
b. June - 1
c. July - 13
d. August - 2
e. Doesn't matter - 7
f. Several - 1
g. Other - May/June (2); June/July (1); not July 4th (1); July/Aug (1); Late
June/July/Aug (2)

**Note: I included those who responded 4th of July for Pike's Peak in the
July #'s.

4. Track event - yes or no?

a. Yes - 24
b. No - 1
c. Yes, but will not participate - 2
d. Undecided/Doesn't matter - 5
e. No at Pike's Peak/Yes at Indy - 1

5. If yes, what track?

a. Doesn't matter - 10
b. Unsure/Whatever's available - 13
c. Depends upon location - 1
d. Road America (RA) - 2
e. Indy Raceway Park (IRP) - 1
f. Indy Motor Speedway - 2
g. Stapleton - 2

**Note: I also received suggestions (not votes) for Pueblo, Putnam Park,
Second Creek, and Heartland Park.

6. Audi of America involvement, if possible? Yes or No.

a. Yes - 28
b. No - 2
c. Doesn't matter - 2
d. No response - 1

7. Publicize outside of the q-list? Yes or No?

a. Yes - 23
b. No - 7
c. Doesn't matter - 2
d. Maybe - 1

8. Can't go all the way; would meet a "convoy" along the way at a stopover -
Yes or No?

a. Yes - 22
b. No - 0
c. Will go the distance - 7
d. Maybe - 1
e. No response - 3

Well, that's it!! Again, feel free to e-mail me, but don't be surprised if I
don't respond for a few days or more.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

                             Jim Griffin
                        Maryland, USA
"Perception is often stronger than reality!"
                               '92 100S