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RE: Nokia + Audi

In a note dated 11/26/96, R.Wiratorn wrote:

>Talking about the best in car audio, have you try Mcintosh yet ? both amp
and >speakers...<snip>

I have steered clear of most audio related discussions here. As a consumer
electronic tech for 20 some years and an audio enthusiast I have to make the
comment that McIntosh ain't who they used to be...The reason they have car
audio gear at all is because they now be owned by-get this-Clarion!!! Now I
understand that they have remained a seperate organization and the folks
there still seem to make some really good stuff-perhaps the best car amps
money can buy (not sure about that though). Now, McIntosh has never had much
of a good rep from what I can recall for their speakers-all I can recall is
really lousy sounding speakers with pretty wood grills. Their electronics
were always where they shined and even that is subjective by hi end audio
standards...Personaly I am happy with a decent in-dash CD player with its own
amps built in and moderate speakers. Because of the acoustic limitations of a
car interior I never really bought into this whole car hi-fi thing. If I want
to hear good hi-fi I listen at home (on mostly antique but still very good
stuff). When on a road trip I like to listen to CD's and expect decent sound
at reasonable levels. If I am commuting (do that by bicycle these days
anyway) I generaly listen to talk radio to keep abrest of traffic reports
anyway. I feel that high end car audio dollars are much better spent on car
tuning in an enthusiast car anyway and leave the boom boom blast blast to the
low rider contingent that I hear thump by all the time where it is not
uncommon to see stereos which cost 2 - 4 times the value of the car they are
in!!! Whatta waste! My professional .02 worth

Mike Veglia
85 4ksq (with plain vanilla In-Dash CD and okay speakers)