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Tire chains on AWD - a no-no?
Agreed, Fringe, but the discussion has been about traction and control.
The advice re potential damage says nothing about this issue and everything
about the very small clearances between the tires and the suspension arms
of both front and rear in the quattro. Put your hands around the back of
the tires and you'll see what I mean.
Road conditions and weather in NZ are such that we never need snow traction
for everyday driving, only when we venture into the mountains in mid-winter
and this is usually for very limited trips such as skiing. Therefore very
few cars fit snow tires and none fit studs. Therefore chains are almost
universally used when venturing into snow country. Last winter I never
needed chains once despite some very slippery icy and snow covered
roads encountered.
Ahhhhhh! - quattro!
> From: Fringe Ryder <Fringe@ai.net>
> Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 19:32:33 -0800
> Subject: Tire chains on AWD - a no-no?
> - -MY- A4 manual ('97, USA) states quite clearly and unambiguously that snow
> chains are not compatible with, and will damage, the car. New Zealand may
> have a slightly different designed-car.
> >From: Greg Spark
> [snip]
> >My A4 manual states (p. 132):
> >
> > -Snow chains will improve braking ability as well as traction in winter
> > conditions.
> > -Where snow chains are compulsory on certain roads, this also applies
> > to cars with four-wheel drive.
> > -The snow chains must only be fitted on the front wheels - this also
> > applies to cars with four-wheel drive.
> >
Greg Spark '96 A4 1.8Tq
sparkg@wave.co.nz MTM 187hp
Hamilton, New Zealand