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Uniden working; no surprise.....
After reading the praise of the Uniden (assuming a LRD 6299SWS/6399SWS)
but then seeing comments
about how lousy it is most of the time, I must say that mine works great
In the past 3 months I've run a Passport 5000 (returned), a Passport
4600 (loaned to me for a week) and
I've stuck solidly with the Uniden. It's most annoying trait are the
occasional false Ka's....but other
than that it picks up everthing...on straights, around corners, far off,
over hills..you name it. OK, so it's not
a V-1 special...but I'll be damed if I'm not very happy with this
Phillipine made $89 special.
The Passport 5000 was too difficult to read quickly or on bright
days and the 4600 was an
X-falsing...Ka falsing nightmare...The Whistler 1490 just finished #1 in
another "Automobile" mag test,
but these are the same people that just named the RAV4 car of the year.