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Copy of: Bentley Electrical errors, part 1, long

I wrote this yesterday and sent it out to the '91 200 owners, I forgot to CC it
to the list.  For you 200 owners, sorry about sending it twice now.

RE:	Copy of: Bentley Electrical errors, part 1, long

Over the next couple weeks I'll be outlining the errors I've found in the
electrical digrams for the '91 200.  I'll deal specifically with what I've seen
on the '91 200 20v wagon, but some of the stuff applies to all 100/200  models.
No guarantees, can't promise typo-free performance

Page 529:  Errors/discrepancies

Fuse 4 powers the radio and a bunch of other stuff
Fuse 5 is unused, but is a provision for an additional cooling fan, check track
Fuse 15 controls the turn signals, too.
Fuse 18 is the rear wiper fuse, p 788.
Fuse 20 heated seats, see page 721
Fuse 22 is open and the biggie between relays 10 and 11, ties into the fuel
pump, used on diesels (glow plug?)
Fuse holders 23 and 30 probably don't exist


Relay 1 is shown on page 714, erroneous pinout though
Relay 4 is "prewired" for headlight cleaners

Page 730

Connector A is not used, goes to relays 6 & 11
Connector K  black, powers the cooling fans
Connector L comes from the battery and is lots of singles, not one biggie
Connector M is lots of singles for accessories, not a big single, PITA too.
Connector N goes to the fuel pump
Connector O goes to the 02 sensor

In the diagram

connector P is also 30as
connector M is mis-labeled:  the upper horizontal is 30az, the right upper is

I've pencilled in the following:

Pin 75N goes to relay 1 pin 11(fog lights)
M30az goes to central/heated locks p. 723
M75as goes to rear wiper p.788
M30ac goes to turbo p. 543
M75ak  empty (goes to fuse 17) p 588
M75s (yes, there's two of them)  from power reduction circuit heated
30as (connector P) heated seats
87a (in the middle) injectors p 539
87k empty,  pin 58 relay 6

On the table of contents pages (531-535) I've pencilled in what specific
accessory combinations apply to my car, ex:  The power, heated seat with memory
is on page 720, not just the power seat in the '91 200 section.

Page 536 -- I haven't even begun to try to readily identify the cryptic "in
harness" locations.

Enough for now, feel free to correct or comment.  I'll build the bitchy letter
to Robert Bentley, et al, to push for an updated errata site for all their
manuals on the Internet.  Collect up your bad examples of Bentley documentation
and we can send them off.  The publishers can verify and then post the fixes on
a web page.

Joe Yakubik