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help-out of town friend shows up with broken Audi 90!
Hey all,
An out of town friend rolled into town today with her 1988 Audi 90 (4
cylinder!), it's her second Audi. Looks like I will be spending my days off
working on it. Here's what;'s wrong: it is running very hot almost up to the
double dots on the gauge, alway has she says. Coolant looks fine, would my
next step be to replace the thermo? what else?
Next on her list of things for me to look at is her lack of insturment lights
and dash lights. Fuse is fine, bulbs are fine, what would cause this?
Thanks for all your help, I know this girl willl get ripped off seriously if
she goes anywhere for service---she come off as an airhead blonde, so people
always try and take advantage of her.
/\ _I Christian J. Long
/ \ I_I I_I I Orlando, Florida, USA
University of Central Florida
Class of 1994
1990 Coupe Quattro Red/Black, K&N cone, BBS wheels, 80K
Past Audis:
'80 5KT '84 Coupe GT '85 Coupe GT '875KCST(Dad's) '87 Coupe GT2.3
"SANTA; I've been good, I want an Audi S1 and Avus Quattro!"