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Re: holiday message

I hope that she is ok......give her our best and our prayers.....and Merry
Christmas, Happy Kuanza, Happy Hannukah, and Happy New Year, and Peaceful
Solistice.....to you and yours.
> To everyone on this list I want to wish a Merry Christmas, belated Happy 
> Chanukah and a Happy New Year.  Please make sure that you and your loved ones 
> are safe at this time of the year.  My girlfriend was mugged this evening at a 
> Virginia Mall by 5 adolescents.  Just make sure that, in these final shopping 
> days, that your family members are aware of their surroundings.  As a group of 
> people I converse with (sort of) on a regular basis, I wanted to make sure 
> that your families are safe too.  thank god she is OK, and it was only money, 
> but please take care.  You never think of it until it is too late.
> Best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season!
> Jon Linkov