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If it weren't a "Q"a...I bought it.

Regards previous statements on non-Q Audis and the purchase thereof:
     My last Audi was not a Q, and it WAS bought on "60 Minutes
But I figured the total costs ran about like this over 190,000 miles......

Purchase: $7300
Annual Maint...oil, tires, repairs over 4.5 years:  about 1400x4 or 5600
Insurance: about 4000 over 4.5 years
Return at Sale: $400
Fuel: about 190,000/25*1.25=9500.....
Let's assume $2000 I forgot about and some cash for the occasional Audi
hassles and cost of credit......
Total: $28,000 or less than .15 a mile......not to shabby...and perhaps a
little bit lucky.

Would I do it again?  Maybe...but since I discovered Quattro, probably not.
At any rate, the "experts" figure average cost of running a car is .39 a
mile...I'd say the old 5000s girl did pretty well!
