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Re: Do not Agree WIth Bob here...
>dont crucify me for it...and Ill still stick
>by it. Its quattro dammit! :)
We still LOVE you, and to keep you on the list we will do whatever it takes
to help you keep your Q!!!!
I started with Audis before the AWD subject, I owned many VW and it was
natural for me to advance to the next step, Audi (I got a bit tired from
the econo box VW). When I learned that Audi was selling the Q, I wanted one
from the first day!!!!
What a great idea to have a permanent AWD car (not a truck). As soon as I
could afford one (my greatest thanks to 60 minutes, although I never watch
them again, they are worse that the likes of Robert Murdach) I got it.
To some-up the above, I would still own Audis (even without Q) because I
like the German engineering approach, I don't particularly care for BMV
because here in Ca every schmock his cousin and his grandmother own one
(although I admit I hear the BMV are good handeling cars).
let me just finish this love note by saying that every schmock or shnook
can make a car that has a lot of power (big three come to mind) but not
just anybody can make a GREAT handeling car!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me retire from this post with great affection to all my Q list partners
including the obnoxious ones!!!! (not you Phil!)
Avi Meron
86 5Kcstq with lots of boost (whatever I want!!!!)
My apologies for a long post, but since every word was a word of wisdom YOU