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Leaking Water Pump please HELP

	My 85 4KQ is leaking water from the water pump.  It leaks about 6 ozs
per week and seems to be getting worse.  I only put a few 100 miles per
week on it.  What can I expect relative to the final failure?  Will it
slowly go or can I expect a big blow out?  Anyone give me a guess of how
long I have until I have to change it?   
	Also,  when I do change it I guess I should also do the timing belt. 
In the Bentley it shows some sort of extension on a torque wrench and a
torque for that wrench.  Can someone tell me what the tightening torque
is with no extension or multiplier....(with a big torque wrench directly
on the pulley nut)
	I also have another question...My compression ratios vary quite a lot..
120 - 155- 108 - 159 - 128.   The car doesn't burn oil and starts fairly
quickly and seems to have good power.   What might be the cause of these
low numbers? (Car has 88,000 miles on it)  Could it be burnt valves?  I
read something in Bentley about little cracks in the valve seats...is
this a common problem and could this be the cause?  While I have the
timing belt off..should I do a head job?
	Wow!!   I realize this is a bunch of question.  I would certainly
appreciate any and all responses!!!
	Thank you in advance!
Doug Evans
1985 4000SQ
1988 90Q
1984 325e