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Re: A4 Driveline Shudder

RSFoster@aol.com writes:
> >Does anyone know what magazine it was that said that the 1.8t
> >seems to have fixed the driveline shudder found in the 2.8
> >models?  References?
> >Dan Masi
> "The first A4 1.8Ts in the United States come with five-speed automatics,
> followed in early 1997 by the five-speed manual, which we drove.  We found
> none of the driveline shudder that, upon clutch engagement, often accompanies
> the V6-powered A4 and A6."

I have a 96 A4Q V6, but I couldn't reproduce any driveline shudder problems,
despite several attempts at trying.  Full throttle acceleration all the
way from first through to fourth never yielded anything unusual...

96 A4 2.8 quattro
84 5000S 2.1 Turbo
80 4000 2.0
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