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Re: Price for 91 V8 5sp
> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 18:44:47 -0600 (CST)
> From: William Murin <murinw@cs.uwp.edu>
> Subject: Re: Price for 91 V8
> To: "Anthony K.B. Chan" <chan@seattleu.edu>
> Cc: Jim Longo <Jim.Longo@bender.com>, quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Kurt anderson up in Minnesota has one on the home page (karquattro.com)
> listed at $20,500. Says it is a 2 owner car with 66000 miles on it. 60k
> service done including new timing belt. Ad doews not say anything about
> brakes being retrofitted.
> Bill Murin
Another quick story:
There was a burgundy '91 V8 5sp. at the Infiniti dealership
exactly 1 year ago that I test drove for a good 45 minutes to an hour
*without* the salesman! Car was in beautiful shape, 54K mi. Only
problems that I found: UFO's were warped-slight steering wheel shake
under hard braking, climate control only blew cool air even though it
indicated Hi or 86 degrees. That's it! Granted the rotors needed
replacement and cost serious$$, don't know what was up with the
climate control. This car pulls like a freight train off the line
with a few revs! Asking price was $21,500. I told him I'd think about
it. (I just wanted to drive a V8 5sp.) The car had been on the lot
for 4 months already. Kept my eye on it for another 3 months when I
noticed it was finally gone. Went in to ask what it sold for.
GULP- $16,000 The guy made them an offer and they took it a week
later. So bottom line-I probably would have been serious if I'd known
that they were going to let it go for so cheap. Damn!
I think Kents' is priced a little high but then again those
cars look mean in black! How bad you want it? As I found out, doesn't
hurt to make an offer. HTH
Chad Clark
P.S. Any lister out there that bought this particular car in
Colo. Spgs. from the Infiniti Dealer?