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RE: A miss?
Hi !
Try to open WOT actuator and check if there
the copper contact points have corroded for WOT position
From: phil
To: quattro
Subject: A miss?
Date: 5. Januaryta 1997 23:59
In message <Pine.SUN.3.91.970105135948.13912A-100000@indy4> Mann Law writes:
> When accelerating [usually comes in between 2,500 & 3,800rpm] the
> car feels like it is stuttering. Akin to a miss, but when you back off
> the gas it feels almost normal. Hard to describe. Feels almost like it
> is running too rich in that area. Only shows up when the car is moving,
> not in neutral. I'm baffled. Help?
I'm chasing the same symptoms in an ur-quattro (1988 MB engine, two knock
sensors, MAC12). I've eliminated compression, plugs, plug wires,
cap and rotor, and the coil.
I suspect either the metering head or the wiring harness between the WOT
and the ECU. I've dialed in a bit more mixture, and that improved it
so I'm leaning towards a dirty/clogged metering head.
What mileage do you have? Mine is 134.5k.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club
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Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 20:44:30 GMT
From: quk@sievers.com (Phil Payne)
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To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: A miss?
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