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Re: Valve seal replacement; use nylon ro

Hi !

I have once used  nylon cord   (long enough very clean rope) with my
 friend  when we routine changed new  valve springs to mercury V8
 hi perf racing  boat engines.

The rope  was  put into the cylinder through
plug hole and  crank turned to set piston to top position
and then easily change valve  springs seals etc.

By the way pressure bleeds greasing oil away from cylinder walls !

A200 TQ (from 1B  to 3B)  Quattro driver from Finland
From: e6941tb
To: Sdbigelow
Cc: quattro
Subject: Re: Valve seal replacement
Date: 5. Januaryta 1997 12:25

Sdbigelow@aol.com wrote:

> My tuppence... Us cheap B*stards have used a piece of soft cotton rope
> stuffed into the plug hole, use maybe a foot or 18 in", leave some hanging
> out the hole, turn crankshaft until everything locks up...that valve has
> nowhere to go, now does it? Replace the seals on that cylinder, back off 
> crank, remove rope, NEXT!

Thanks for the tip. Sounds good in theory. If it works, it should be a
lot easier (and quiter for that matter), than my normal procedure with a

Igor Kessel
'89 200TQ

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