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RE: '97 A4Q Squeaky Brakes Won't Stop!!

Or, as domestic manufacturers frequently put it, "They all do that." :-)
- peter
  peterhe@microsoft.com - http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/1001
  91 200qw
  94 acura legend gs
  issaquah, wa, usa

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	merlin [SMTP:merlin@ameritech.net]
>Sent:	Tuesday, January 07, 1997 11:07 AM
>To:	'jay c lee'; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject:	RE: '97 A4Q Squeaky Brakes Won't Stop!!
>ya know...it just cracks me up when they say that...
>From: 	jay c lee[SMTP:jayclee@juno.com]
>Sent: 	Monday, January 06, 1997 4:12 PM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Re: '97 A4Q Squeaky Brakes Won't Stop!!
>My A4 has 11.7k on the odometer and the brakes have been squeaking for
>the past 7k.  The noise is especially loud when braking in reverse.  The
>dealer (Carlsen Audi) service guy said there wasn't anything they could
>do about it.  Let me know if you find a solution....