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RE: Wagon info?

The V8, A4q and 100CSQ/A6 Wagon have been available with quattro *and*
an auto, so if he's looking for a quattro wagon, yes, they were almost
all 5-speeds except for most of the 100CSQ/A6.

Tell him to look for a 91 200 quattro wagon or, if money allows, a 95.5
S6 wagon. Both were 5-sp only and go like bats out of H... The older
200/5000 wagons are also nice, but they come with less power (but can be
brought up to at least the same level as the 20v engines) and, IMO,
don't look as nice.

Good luck to your friend.
- peter
  peterhe@microsoft.com - http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/1001
  91 200qw
  94 acura legend gs
  issaquah, wa, usa

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Jad.Duncan@GAT.COM [SMTP:Jad.Duncan@GAT.COM]
>Sent:	Tuesday, January 07, 1997 3:48 PM
>To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject:	Wagon info?
>I have a friend who is a bit of a car buff, who now has a baby.  Alfa Spider 
>is gone, so I suggested a Audi or MB wagon.  Are most of the Audi's 5 
>speeds?  My understanding is that the 5kqt's were all 5 speeds, does this 
>apply to wagons?  What about the non-q non-turbo?  Any other feedback on the 
>wagons would also be appreciated as I tend to ignore info on wagons, 
>minivans, etc.
>914 2.0l
>*** Jad Duncan ***********************
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>*** General Atomics *****************
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