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Re: Cheap filters....

> Al Powell writes:
> ... snip ...
> << reams & reams of info on oil filters >>
> ... snip ...
> > It would be nice if someone 
> > on this group would take a hacksaw to one of the Audi filters and 
> > report their findings.
> Well WOW.  Thanks a lot Al for putting all that down on 'paper'.  That
> was exactly the kind of, well-reasoned, experience and information I
> wanted to elicit.  As I still have the old Audi filter off my A4 that I just
> replaced, I'll have a go at dismantling it & will report back (I can just
> see the look on my wife face once she see the mess THIS is likely
> to make!)
> Just per your diatribe on Fram...  Although I dont dispute your 
> statements (I don't know enough to do so), Consumer Reports
> did a 'bit' on oil filters a couple years ago, and Fram came out
> on top.  I know this is old info (and no flames on "Consumer
> Retorts" (Igor)  please) but still interesting nonetheless.
> Oh hell, in the interests of science, maybe I'll go ahead and 
> dismantle the Fram I bought also (Al, it was $2.98, not $1.98!)
> -Mark Quinn
I have taken few oil filters apart from cars I have changed oil ( I 
used to work part time at a garage) and have found that the Fram oil 
filter is one of the cheapest designed and made of all of the ones 
I've taken apart.  I was getting them free becouse I worked there, 
but after the discovery I was glad to pay extra for the VW/Audi 
There is only one thin strip of steel acting as the pressure reliefe 
valve.  God knows how many liters of oil have gone unfiltered due to 
that thin strip of steel. 
You can save a few bucks now, but the engine will get you later with 
a bigger bill!
Stick to stock or better and do not compromize.

Martin Pajak

1982 Coupe (431,000 km)
1984 4000s quattro (320,000 km under the wrench)
1970 Porsche 911E Targa (also under the wrench)

Who put my tools in the dishwasher?