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Audi prices in The Netherlands

Hi BMW-bashing list! :-)

For those of you interested, I just received the latest Audi prices for '97.
As you can see, we can get just about anything Ingolstadt churns out over
here, but those prices... just compare this to what you pay, and remember
that in Europe we have no way to find out dealer cost, possible incentive
schemes and the like! On top of that, hefty delivery charges are added (Dfl
1000+), as is an environmental surcharge for dismantling. I calculated
approximate US $ prices by dividing by 1.75, for UKP divide by 2.35.

Of course, for those of you *not* interested, look for the Delete key
please. ;-)

                              Price Dfl       Price US$
A3 1.6*                         41900           23943
A3 1.8 5V*                      46900           26800
A3 1.8 5V Turbo*                51900           29657
A3 1.9 TDI 90hp*                46900           26800
Ambition package                +3950           +2257
Ambiente package                +4950           +2829

A4 1.6*                         49990           28566
A4 1.8 5V*                      56390           32223
A4 1.8 5V Quattro               63390           36223
A4 1.8 5V Turbo*                63790           36451
A4 1.8 5V Turbo Quattro         70790           40451
A4 2.6*                         69090           39480
A4 2.6 Quattro                  76090           43480
A4 2.8 5V*                      82990           47423
A4 2.8 5V Quattro*              89990           51423
A4 Avant 1.6*                   53990           30851
A4 Avant 1.8 5V*                60390           34509
A4 Avant 1.8 5V Quattro         67390           38509
A4 Avant 1.8 5V Turbo*          67790           38737
A4 Avant 1.8 5V Turbo Quattro   74790           42737
A4 Avant 2.6*                   73090           41766
A4 Avant 2.6 Quattro            80090           45766
A4 Avant 2.8 5V*                86990           49709
A4 Avant 2.8 5V Quattro*        93990           53709
A4 1.9 DI                       53990           30851
A4 1.9 TDI 90hp*                58290           33309
A4 1.9 TDI 110hp*               61590           35194
A4 1.9 TDI 110hp Quattro        68590           39194
A4 Avant 1.9 TDI 90hp*          62290           35594
A4 Avant 1.9 TDI 110hp*         65590           37480
A4 Avant 1.9 TDI 110hp Quattro  72590           41480

A6 1.8 5V*                      63790           36451
A6 1.8 5V Quattro               71790           41023
A6 2.6*                         74990           42851
A6 2.6 Quattro*                 82990           47423
A6 2.8*                         82990           47423
A6 2.8 Quattro*                 90990           51994
A6 2.8 5V*                      89990           51423
A6 2.8 Quattro 5V*              97990           55994
A6 Avant 1.8 5V                 69790           39880
A6 Avant 1.8 5V Quattro         77790           44451
A6 Avant 2.6*                   80990           46280
A6 Avant 2.6 Quattro*           88990           50851
A6 Avant 2.8*                   88990           50851
A6 Avant 2.8 Quattro*           96990           55423
A6 Avant 2.8 5V*                95990           54600
A6 Avant 2.8 5V Quattro*       103990           59423
A6 1.9 TDI 90hp*                65990           37709
A6 2.5 TDI 115hp*               74990           42851
A6 2.5 TDI 140hp*               79990           45709
A6 2.5 TDI 140hp Quattro        87990           50280
A6 Avant 1.9 TDI 90hp*          71990           41137
A6 Avant 2.5 TDI 115hp*         80990           46280
A6 Avant 2.5 TDI 140hp*         85990           49137
A6 Avant 2.5 TDI 140hp Quattro  93990           53709
S6 Quattro*                    124990           71423
S6 Plus 4.2 Quattro*           149990           85709
S6 Avant Quattro*              130990           74851
S6 Plus Avant 4.2 Quattro*     155990           89137

Cabriolet 2.0E                  79990           45709
Cabriolet 2.6E*                 90990           51994
Cabriolet 2.8E*                 99990           57137
Cabriolet 1.9 TDI 90hp          82990           47423

A8 2.8 5V#                     138890           79366
A8 2.8 5V Quattro#             148890           85080
A8 3.7#                        160890           91937
A8 3.7 Quattro#                170890           97651
A8 4.2 Quattro#                185890          106223
S8 4.2 Quattro#                213890          122223

*auto trans optional
#auto trans standard

...OK, you get great lights for those prices, but also fuel at $1.30/litre!

As a PS: the new model A6 is rumoured to be available here form May, and
the new S4 from July. Pricing TBA...


1988 80 1.8S (worth about $5K here...)

   Tom W. Nas, graphic design                        tnas@dtpdirect.nl
   DTP Direct bv                              Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
   Apeldoorn, the Netherlands                   Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125

          Lt. George: 'Sir, what do we do when we step on a mine?'

    Capt. Blackadder: 'Well, the usual procedure is to jump sixty feet in
                      the air, and scatter yourself over a large area.'

                                                 'Blackadder goes forth'