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Ticking noise

In message <> "Doyt W. Echelberger" writes:

> The condition almost totally disappeared this fall, when I switched from
> Fram to Bosch for oil filter, and from 10W-30 Pennzoil to 5W-50 Syntec.
> Very encouraging.

Sources for ticking noises on Audi 5-cylinder engines:

a) On older carburettor engines, the fuel pump is mechanically driven
   off the camshaft.  Loosen the Allen screws and lift the pump slightly -
   if the noise stops, change the pump.
b) On some engines, there is a pushrod vacuum pump.  I've heard that this
   can be removed to test if it is causing the problem.
c) Lifters - either mechanical (tappets) or hydraulic.  Mechanical noise
   can reduce a little if the engine is warm - hydraulic lifter noise is
   likely to cease at high revs or after a drive.  If it doesn't, a 
   lifter may have failed - this is fairly uncommon.  Hydraulic lifter
   noise is usually louder if the engine has been standing for a while.
d) Exhaust manifold cracks.  Much more noticable when restarting an 
   engine that has partially cooled.  Rare on on non-turbo engines.

Any more, anyone?  Would this make a good FAQ if it was fleshed out with the 
engine codes?

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club