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Re: Ticking noise
Yes....Glad to hear someone else has it also. Mine had it far worse when
new, on cold start after a few
idle days. I think it is a built-in characteristic of the car...to have
various kinds of tickings, that is.
Granted, that louder one is worrisome, but it goes away if the engine speeds
up under load.
The condition almost totally disappeared this fall, when I switched from
Fram to Bosch for oil filter, and from 10W-30 Pennzoil to 5W-50 Syntec.
Very encouraging.
Keep us posted on this condition and what seems to modify it.
86 4KcsQ 150,000 miles
At 04:12 AM 1/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Once in a while on my 87 4000Q, I hear a ticking noise from the engine that
>is louder than normal. Has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas
>what this is from?
>Bryan Schmidt
>91 200T
>87 4000Q
>86 4000S
>95 VW GTI VR6