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Re: Kemco needs a Quattro
On Tue, 07 Jan 1997 13:30:10 EST, jpmahala@juno.com (John P Mahala) wrote:
>This post may seem a bit elementary or immature, but Kemco, a game
>publishing company which is working on an apparently incredible rally sim
>for the Nintendo 64 does not yet have the legendary Audi Quattro in the
>lineup of cars to be included.
Elementary? Immature? Perhaps, but you've decribed just what I've been
looking for for some time! I even considered buying a PC because there were
no good rally sims for my Mac! The best game for the PC at the moment, has
no Q in it...
After making a few phone calls and
>sending a few e-mails, I have managed to contact one Oliver Miyashita at
>Kemco. He seems very open to the possibility of adding an Audi to the
>game and was very encouraged to see someone so interested in the
>development of the program.
Seeing the amount of interest the thread about rally sims generated when it
ran last year, this deserves our support!
>Bottom line... He wants web page addresses and info on the Q-list to find
>out how to build an accurately specked out cyber-Quattro. I think it
>would do a world of good to see its inclusion because, 1) I intend to buy
>the rally sim when it comes out and 2) It would hopefully give the
>Quattro some more good "virtual" exposure.
Sport Q: very good pics in last month's Top Gear Magazine (UK)
UrQ: I've got a few pics available.
>If you know addresses of some good Quattro web pages (I only have e-mail
>service anymore) feel free to email them to oliver_miyashita@msn.com or
>to myself and I can forward them. I also intend to give him information
>regarding the Q-list itself. If anyone can give the guy specs on an
>Audi, you guys can!
>Just as a sidenote, what would be the most impressive compu-car:
>cyber-sport Quattro or the cyber-ur Quattro?
I've no preference. I like both. Or the Coupe S2? (still rallyed in Scandinavia)
BTW- one of the programmers
>drives an M3 which will be in the game as well as a Porsche. Lots of
>others that he didn't tell me.
I hope this game will make it...
Tom W. Nas, graphic design tnas@dtpdirect.nl
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Lt. George: 'Sir, what do we do when we step on a mine?'
Capt. Blackadder: 'Well, the usual procedure is to jump sixty feet in
the air, and scatter yourself over a large area.'
'Blackadder goes forth'