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Re: [Fwd: Re: 20v Oil Filter?]

FWIW, the Fram catalog says the PH2870A (VW/Audi fitment) filter DOES have
an anti-drainback valve.  Fram filters have a nasty habit of leaving the
O-ring gasket stuck to the adapter--if you don't catch it when you change
filters, you get a double gasket with the new filter and 2 quarts/L of oil
on the garage floor.  BTDT.  

What Audi *should* have done was put an anti-drainback valve in the oil
filter adapter (spin-on attachment block)--would make this all moot.  i
guess that'd be too sensible, wouldn't it   ;^)

At 12:42 PM 1/7/97 -0800, e6941tb@gnn.com wrote:

>Flip the Fram upside down and look into the hole. It has no anti
>drainback valve. In other words, when you shut the car off, the oil
>drains down in the oil pan. When then you restart the car the oil takes
>a few extra seconds to fill the passages in the empty oil sys (almost
>like when you start the car up after you've just changed the oil).
>During these few seconds you are running the engine almost dry. It is
>known that every starting of the car equals to approx 100km of running
>it wear wise, (or according to a different source an engine wears out
>90% due to that first morning start up, and only 10% as a result of
* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa      *** note new domain *** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      *
*                                                                    *
*             The obscure we eventually see,                         *
*             the completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.        *
*                               - Edward R. Murrow                   *