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Re: Audi Production Numbers

> In message <970107140109_75667.1310_FHN14-1@CompuServe.COM> Tim Reilley writes:
> > Where can I find a listing for production numbers for various Audi models?  I am
> > looking for how many '90-91 Coupe Quattros were brought into the US.
> The number of units manufactured can be inferred from the frames at the bottom 
> of the parts microfiche.  The number actually imported into any specific 
> country is known only to the local agents.  Ask AoA.
... well I checked out the fiche this morning ...

I'll bet that the CQ does not have a unique VIN code, because the production
numbers on the fiche are quite high.  Production of the model started 5/1/89
with the listed VIN being 88-L-000001.  The next to the last month of MY89 
(6/30/89) shows VIN 88-L-001048, with the number for 7/31/89 88-L-002000 
[which means to me that some number were skipped].  Numbers for the "official"
1990 MY probably continued from 2000 because the number at the end of August 
was 88-L-003681.  The final number for MY90 is somewhere between 88-L-018612
(6/30/90) and 88-L-030000 (7/31/90).  The numbers for MY91 range from 
88-M-000001 to 88-M-020000, with 88-M-014413 the VIN at the end of the next 
to last month of production.  

As I stated in my prior message the engine codes may provide additional info-
rmation, especially relating to USA/Canada shipments.  The engine code for the
CQ is "7A" ... I don't know which other models used this engine, but here is 
the production info.  As of 5/1/89 the S/N was 7A 005 643.  On 7/31/90 it 
was 7A 014 586, at the end of August 1990 it was 7A 014 879.  At the end of
production (7/31/91) the serial number was 7A 017 897.

Difference in the engine production numbers 12254
Difference in VIN codes probably somewhere between 33025 and 50000

It seems like the engine production numbers are most telling ... if someone
can figure out what other models used the 7A engine during the same period 
it might be possible to refine the number further ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)