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RE: H&R Suspension Mods

So, Eric, when's that A4 suspension ready? :-)

You *are* working on sum'thin', right?
- peter

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Bob Cotton [SMTP:bcotton@synxis.com]
>Sent:	Wednesday, January 08, 1997 1:05 PM
>To:	gt7017c@prism.gatech.edu
>Cc:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject:	Re: H&R Suspension Mods
>>>>>> "Karl" == W Karl Lentz <gt7017c@prism.gatech.edu> writes:
>    Karl> I just read about the H&R A4 suspension modifications in the
>    Karl> February issue of European Car. Has anyone tried to find out
>    Karl> details on the modification levels and pricing? 
>Not sure about modification levels, but I did so some checking on
>prices (A4q) :
>	Full list (from H&R North America):
>	  $3200
>But they did give me a name and number of a distributor, German Parts
>and Restoration, and they want $2250. The article says they are good,
>boy I hope so! ;-)
>    Karl> Sounds very good, and therefore very pricy. Has anyone on
>    Karl> the list lowered an A4 yet?  KARL
>- Bob
>Bob Cotton                                      Phone: (303) 534-2202
>SynXis Corporation                              Fax:   (303) 534-4257
>1610 Wynkoop, Suite 400                                bob@synxis.com 
>Denver, CO  80202                 wok, n.:
>                                     Something to thwow at a wabbit.  