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A4 Remote-lock transmitter security?

I am the owner of a '97 A4Q  (w/ factory remote locking) and saw the
following posting on another list.  I was wondering if anyone had any
comments on the security of the scheme used for the remote locking
system (i.e. should I stop using the remote in areas where it's security
might be compromised?)

Here in England the radio transmitters are totally discredited. Car
thieves commonly have "grabbers" which sample your radio keyfob when you
lock the car. They can do this from the other side of the street, so you
have no idea your security is compromised. They simply wait until you
are out of sight, use the grabber to imitate your car keyfob transmitter
and then hotwire as normal.

To sample IR they have to stand in front of you, which is rather more
