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Re: Rocket Science

OTOH, satellites, space, defense & aircraft code goes through some
incredible steps to get near zero-defect.  simplicity counts for something

years ago, there used to be a quote in my company (one of those business
consulting types) that a line of code (COBOL) cost us $12, $24 if written by
IBM, and $100 if it had to be ZDC.  thank god i never had to code in COBOL!

At 09:47 AM 1/10/97 EST, Mark Quinn/HNS wrote:
>radio system).  Contrary to what you might believe, the
>complexity and technology in that is at least 10 times greater
>than anything in satellites (at least apart from the materials
>science).  The computers used in the Shuttle are 30yr old
* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa      *** note new domain *** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      *
*                                                                    *
*             The obscure we eventually see,                         *
*             the completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.        *
*                               - Edward R. Murrow                   *