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>From root Fri Jan 10 10:50 MST 1997 remote from gbcsdc2
>From cbernard Fri Jan 10 10:50 MST 1997 remote from bcsdcpost.gbcsdc.att.com
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From: bcsdcpost.gbcsdc.att.com!cbernard
To: coimbra.ans.net!quattro
Subject: Re: I love my car...'91 200TQ stumble
Date: Fri Jan 10 10:49 MST 1997
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From: Alex Chernushin <achernushin@digitalglobe.com>
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 1997 17:03:56 -0700
Subject: Re: I love my car...'91 200TQ stumble
Steve Gronback asks about a stumble on his '91 200 TQ. Check
the mass air flow sensor. If it is, you'll be number 4 that I know
of. The only way the dealer diagnosed this was to replace the
bad one with a good one.
From: Charlie Bernard
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997
I too have had this stumbling problem. About 1yr ago my 200TQ would die
when coasting to a stop from a higher speed, but only occasionally. I
found a small crack/hole in the Decel Hose. This hose is 'cloth' covered
and runs from the top/back of the motor around and down top of motor on
exhuast/turbo side. It is connected to a saucer type device
infront/in-between the airbox and turbo. Now the bad news, one yr. later
no problem until last month! Its back but even more infrequent! I think
I'll have to wait for it to get worse (easier to diagnose).
Additionally, I was one of those unfortunate one who had a Mass Air Flow
Sensor fail too. My symptoms were much more pronounced. The car would not
run under any load, and my gas mileage went to 8 mi./gal with smoke
exiting tailpipe. Obviously the failure plays serious havoc with your
engine Mgmt system. A dealer visit is required to diagnose this with a
VAG 1585? instrument (pulls codes) The sensor was the first code to come
up. You can and should replace it yourself, very easy. It's located in
airbox and unfortunately ran me new $500. Could have used a used one for
about $300. They are very difficult to find and often must be ordered by
dealers straight from Germany ARGG! (4-6wks).
Charlie Bernard