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Re: DRLs

Mark Badger comments with incredulity:

> > It was calculated that the difference in mileage can be up to 10%_ enormous
> > when you reckon with all those millions of cars driving with lights
> > switched on.
> this figure (10%) makes no sense at all, or must be an extreme
> exception. perhaps the car has several hundred lights attached ?

Let's see, my 1982 Coupe requires about 15 horsepower to travel at 55 MPH
(got this number from some car magazine's road test, I forget which one).
10% of that is 1.5 horsepower.  Convert horsepower to watts,
 1.5 * 745.6999 = 1118.5498.  Convert to amps 1118.5498 / 13.5 (or so)
 = 82.855 Amps.  Whew!  My 90 amp alternator just makes it!  :^)
 Don Hoefer
 '82 Coupe