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Re: 5KCSQ Timing Belt
Hairy green toads from Mars made Dan Simoes say:
> > Help! Ray lost the timing belt on our 865KCSQ this am! Autobahn (Paul)
> > says it's an interference head
> Huh? The 5ksq uses the same head as the 4kq which is a non-interference
> engine. There is always a slight chance of something getting
> screwed up but unlikely.
My version of the story (from my mechanic/god) is that the 10V NA
engine if officially non-interference, but it close enough that if
the belt breaks at high revs, there can be a little valve touch
due to the extra extension from the speed of the valve movement.
It is unlikely that damage will occur, but if it lets go at 90 on
the highway, it could happen.
Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7) duane@zk3.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation (603)-881-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH 03062-2698
Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too heavy to care.