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BOSE help needed...

The volume knob on my Bose stereo (in a 91 200) seems to have a loose
power connection behind it.  When I turn the volume knob on, the stereo
sometimes comes on, other times it takes a few tries to get the radio to
come on.  Once the radio is on, if I bump the power knob, the radio will
suddenly shut off.  I called the Audi dealer here and they said a
re-manufactured radio will run about $150.  All Audi is going to do is
take my radio out, re-solder something inside, and sell it to someone
else again for $150.

My Questions:
    1.  Is there an easier / less expensive way to fix this?
    2.  How do I actually get the radio out? (Dealer wouldn't tell me)
    3.  Is this a common BOSE/Audi problem? (This is the 3rd radio)
    4.  If it is a common problem, does that give me any bargaining
leverage with Audi?

Minneapolis, MN
'91 200
'87 5000s
Scott Anderson
CCI Workstation Services
(612) 449-3847