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Re: Renewable Oil Media

On Sat, 11 Jan 1997, Ti Kan wrote:

> Mike VanDusen writes:
> Have you seen the oil filter setup on a VW VR6 engine?  It does
> indeed have a cartridge design where only the internal filter element
> is replaced instead of the whole filter body.  I don't know if this
> setup has better or worse filtration properties than the standard
> canister filters (I guess that would depend greatlyon whose
> filter element you buy)...

I use an Oberg (sp?) on my spyder and its a cleanable reusable media. It 
filters down better than paper filters and its a HUGE area so there is no 
flow or pressure loss... It also has a light that is remotely mounted 
that will warn you when it needs to be cleaned.

Bob D'Amato SNET 300 George St. New Haven, CT 06510 203-771-7081
               Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro