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FW: Virus alert

>From: 	Vince Allen
>Sent: 	Monday, January 13, 1997 12:35 PM
>To: 	All
>Subject: 	Virus alert
>  There is a computer virus that is being sent across the Internet. If you
>receive an email message with the subject line "Deeyenda", DO NOT read the
>message, DELETE it immediately. Please read the messages below.  Some
>miscreant is sending email under the title "Deeyenda" nationwide, if you get
>anything like this DON'T DOWNLOAD THE FILE! It has a virus that rewrites your
>hard drive, obliterating anything on it. Please be careful and forward this
>mail to anyone you care about.
>  The internet community has again been plagued by another computer virus.
>This message is being spread throughout the internet, including USENET
>posting, EMAIL, and other interent activities..  The reason for all the
>  attention is because of the nature of this virus and the potential security
>risks it makes.
>  Instead of a destructive trojan virus (most viruses!), this virus, referred
>to as Deeyenda Maddick, performs a comprehensive search on your computer,
>looking for valuable information, such as email and login
>  passwords, credit cards, personal info, etc.  The Deeyenda virus also has
>the capability  to stay memory resident while running a host of applications
>and operation systems, such as Windows 3.11 and windows 95.
>  What this means to internet users is that when a login and PASSWORD are
>sent to the server, this virus can COPY this information and SEND IT OUT TO
>  The reason for this warning is because the Deeyenda virus is virtually
>undetectable.  Once attacked, your computer will be unsecure.   Although it
>can attack any O/S, this virus is most likely to attack those users
>  viewing Java enhanced Web Pages (Netscape 2.0+ and Microsoft  Internet
>Explorer 3.0+ which are running on Windows 95) .   Researchers at Princeton
>University have found this virus on a number of World Wide Web pages and fear
>its spread.
>  Please pass this on, for we must alert the general public at the security