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Re: tracing battery drains
-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
> What is the best procedure for tracing battery drains? (possible grounding
> out)
> Where do I start looking first, or isn't it that simple?
After checking the obvious (things turned on) you disconnect the battery
lead and re-complete the circuit with a test light. A turn sig. bulb or
similar will work if you don't have one. It will glow whenever there is any
current draw. *Now* you start removing fuses. When you remove the one that
has the leaking item on its circuit, the bulb will dim. perhaps not go off
completely, remember the radio memory uses a bunch of mA, as does the clock.
If the problem isn't apparent once you've found the guilty circuit, you can
move the test light into the place of the fuse and try to disconnect
portions of the harness until you isolate it.
Good luck!
Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers