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Re: Ignition lock cylinder replacement ?

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

>  I'd like to keep the existing key as the ignition key, anyone know how
difficult it is to get the new cylinder to match the old key?

I have put new drivers door handle in and faced same issue - keep old key. 
Take the new cylinder apart and replace the pins with the old ones.  If you
want to get tricky like I did, use *new* pins that are the correct lengths
for your old key.  There only seemed to be about 5 different dimensions and
I had a few lock cylinders to pirate parts from.

> The car isn't startable, and is currently sitting in my yard, on a hill
sideways, in 10 inches of snow, in below zero temperatures, and I'm looking
to jimmy-rig it to get it into a garage.

Push it in with the Ford!  (that's what I do - BTDT with my sister's
microbus below ten degrees, that thing wouldn't start below freezing and she
had to get outa here!)  You can pull it around with chains pretty easily 
(line 'em up in the field!) also.

Or, can't you jump start it from the ignition switch connector?  I used to
start my 5kt with a jumper in the fuse box after the ignition switch would
stick in the "on" mode in the very cold.  There is a relay for the starter,
just jump 12v to the solenoid contact, with it slightly pulled out.

Fun in the cold.  best time to work on drive shafts, exhausts, and front
wheel spindles (is that F150 4x4?)
Huw Powell

HUMAN Speakers
