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<V8> Problems

Hi listers:

A cold blustery day in Boston today.  2 things: 1) The cover(?) of my
accelerator pedal fell off exposing a small spring (shift point
override?), but haven't had a chance to fix it. Getting used to a
different feel on the bottom of my foot. It doesn't seem to snap back on
and it's an awkward place to work.  Anyone have any experience with
this?  2) In the evening, I arrive at the pkg lot in Hingham from the
commuter boat (great way to commute BTW) and it's chilly (like winter)
my car starts fine, but almost always stalls the first time I have to
use the brakes.  Once it warms up, it's fine. ??

TIA.  Also, Please CC: tim.gortner@fmr.com (work email).  Thanks.

PS Any N.E. listers stayed at the Charles Hinckley House in Barnstable?

Tim Gortner
Marshfield, MA
'90 V8Q (104K)