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NEQ Winter Weekend

Hi there,

There is one day left for the Club discount for the Snow & Ice 97 TSD

Registrations will still be accepted after the 18th ($30) but please get
them in as soon as possible. There is alot of work in preparing the
Regulations, Route Instructions and the Staffing of Check Points.

Below you will find, in one place, all the information about the NEQ
Winter Weekend:

There are two events scheduled:

1. Feb 1, 1997 Snow & Ice TSD Rally in Bow, NH
2. Feb 2, 1997 Ice Time Trials at Newfound Lake, NH

Attatched you will find the info and registration forms for these


Subject: Snow & Ice Event 97 Bow, NH
This event is being hosted by the NER (New England Region of the Sports
Car Club of America), the TCNE (a TSD rally club based in
Massachusetts), the NEQ (New England Region Audi Quattro Club, USA) so
far and the BMW/CCA for the sunday event.

On Friday 1/31/97 (evening time to be determined) there will be a Novice
Rally School.

On Saturday 2/1/97 there will be an aprox. 150 TDI Road Rally.

On Sunday 2/2/97 there will be a time trial on Newfound Lake, NH.

The meeting place is the Hampton Inn in Bow, NH. They can be reached on
the web for rooms at;


The Event-Master is David Lewis. He has a web page that has information
about this event at

and the registration form is at 


Further information will be posted when it becomes available.


Subject: Snow & Ice 97
The informational flyer and registration form have been updated by David
Lewis - Rallymaster.

You can find it at http://www.ultranet.com/~david-l/snowandice.html

If you have already sent in your registration you do not need to
resubmit it.

It is important that you indicate that you heard about this event from
the NEQ so that we can continue to coordinate our Quattro's
participating in events in the greater New England area.


Subject: NEQ Winter Weekend Feb. 2, 1997 Registration Form
If you are planning to attend the NEQ Winter Weekend please fill out the
below form.

Registration Form - Winter Weekend Feb 1 and 2 1997

February 1 TSD Rally - Bow, NH

(You still need to send the Snow & Ice Registration Form with payment to
Maryanne Rhodes prior to January 18th for Club discount)

I/we plan to attend the: TSD Rally ________

Driver________________________ Navigator_______________________

I/we will stay at the Hampton Inn:

                                Friday Night:__________

                              Saturday Night:__________

I/we will stay elsewhere:

Place_______________________________ Night(s)___________________

I/we will NOT be staying over 
and will join the TSD Rally on Saturday at 7:00 AM______________

February 2 Ice Time Trial

(So we can properly plan enough hot and cold food)

I/we plan to attend the: Ice Time Trials ________

Driver#1________________________ Driver#2_______________________

Please send this completed form via e-mail to zcritter@netaxis.com


Whew . . . lots of run on stuff about this weekend.

If you have any questions please let me know and I hope to see you

Bob W. B>}
NEQ http://www.netaxis.com/~zcritter/director.html