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Re: Fogs w/o Headlights... Easy
You are a lucky soul to have figured it out. I have been struggling with
the same goal on my 97 A6Q. Seems Audi got a little trickier here. Neither
30 or 87 are powered unless the low beams are on. Now I have to pull the
dash switch to provide it with ignition on power, THEN provide the relay
with ignition on power. Nothing is hot at the relay w/o lights. Neat
trick: PIAA Ion Crystal 85w bulbs fit the Audi projecter fog. They put out
an intense amber beam whose candlepower is little diminished because the
bulbs change the filament color with physics, not an amber coated bulb that
converts much of the output into heat like conventional ones. Looks very
cool, but I must admit that whites work better overall unless you are in
deep snow where the depth perception is improved by amber. I've run the
PIAAs on our Montero and LandCruiser for several years and switched back as
they burned out.
Doug Miller
>Hi All,
>There has been so much on euro lamps and what a hinderence they are
>inthe fog.
>Well, it looks like with the 80/90/Coupe Q all you have to do is pull
>out the fog lamp relay and bypass the contacts (30 to 87). I made up a
>2" piece of wire with male spade lugs on each end and stuck it in the
>appropriate slots.
>Yippy ! Now my fogs come on when ever the ignition is on and the fog
>switch is depressed (well it could be feeling fine as long as it is in
>the ON position).
>It seems that the fog lamp relay is only used to send power to the fog
>lamp switch when the low beams are on. All power for the fogs goes
>through the dash switch (saved another relay, cheap ....) anyways.
>Of course all of the usual disclaimers !!!
>Have fun,
>bob in Minn (more snow, yea !!)
>'91 cq