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Re: quattro-digest V4 #116

>Subject: auto trans experience

SOmeone asked for synthetic ATF... Castrol Syntec ATF is sold at K-Mart up
here, $9.00Cdn/litre (note Mobil-1 engine oil is $7.00/l !!)

I have been warned against doing anything to my '86 5KT's slushbox, other
than keeping it topped. Mechanics claim was newer ATF/synth will cause the
clutch packs to start slipping due to improved viscosity.  Any opinions
there? Dropping the pan or filler pipe will only get out 3l of ATF, 50% of
the total.  I was quoted $99 to fully flush the trans using a Wynns ATF
powerflush machine.  Ties in to ATF pump feed??  and adds/circulates new ATF
until operator decides what's coming out looks new and clean.  Any one done
this?  Don't know if involves pan removal or not.

Final bit...  someone said swap heavy oil 70/90 in manual box for 10W40 etc
in cold weather. VW owners manuals have always said use ATF in permanent
cold weather (arctic service?), change out at above freezing temps.

Tim Smith
'86 5000CD Turbo