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Re: Winter Weirdness

> Date:          Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:08:33 -0600
> From:          Glenn Lawton <lawtonglenn@gsmai.com>
> Reply-to:      lawtonglenn@gsmai.com
> To:            Jim & Bev <jazman@accunet.net>
> Cc:            quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:       Re: Winter Weirdness

> Jim & Bev wrote: 
> > So...No other Q listers will 'fess up to beaching his Quattro on a snow
> > drift.  I know someone else must have done this.  Where are the
> > bravehearts?
> I did it a few years back. If you get enough snow under the belly to
> support
> the car's weight, the tires don't touch the ground, and you are left
> trying to find a couple of buddies to push you off.
> Glenn
     My head down and mumbling: me too.  As mentioned before it was 
at the Steamboat event last year. Did it in soiling trouser fashion. 
Took diffs locked and a 4wd Ford ranger to get me out. Not a scratch 
on the car! Opened the hood and found snow  in place of  what used to
be an engine. Thanks to soft snow banks. Ok Darin, that's enough laughing!
   Chad Clark