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Rieger tuning catalogue

Hi all,

While browsing at my newsagents' last Saturday I noticed that their usual
collection of magazines had been expanded with a couple of German rags.
Among these was the 1997-98 catalogue of a German firm called Rieger tuning.
Judging from the contents, 'tuning' by their standards means mostly
bodykits and big wheels. The bodykits are IMHO mostly bl**dy ugly, (Ferrari
F40-lookalike rear spoilers, Testarossa-look wheelarch extensions and the
like) but there were a few useful bits in there too. I recall seeing a
request for possible replacement wheels for a V8: Rieger lists the
beautiful AZEV A wheels for this application. These are five-pointed star
wheels, and are listed as 8.5Jx18 ET27 on the front wheels (235/40-18
tyres) and 10Jx18 ET23 for the rear wheels (265/35-18 tyres). Looks
awesome! Other wheels listed for this application are BBS and ATS wheels,
all in 18".

This catalogue contains info about aftermarket wheels for the following cars
(some with pictures):
-Coupe GT B2
-Coupe/Coupe Q/Coupe S2 B3/B4
-80/90 B3
-80 B4
-100/A6 C4
And, for most of these vehicles, body kits in varying grades of tastelessness.

After the discussions about possible ET-values for A4s some time ago,
perhaps somebody's interested in this info (or in the styling products).
Another German magazine I bought, called Top of the line, features a
SportQ. Nice car! Apparently, in Germany there are quite a few SportQs
still on the road, some of them even in daily use.


1988 80 1.8S (factory 90Q-type rear spoiler from new, no body mods, in
beautiful Tizian Red metallic)

   Tom W. Nas, graphic design                        tnas@dtpdirect.nl
   DTP Direct bv                              Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
   Apeldoorn, the Netherlands                   Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125

          Lt. George: 'Sir, what do we do when we step on a mine?'

    Capt. Blackadder: 'Well, the usual procedure is to jump sixty feet in
                      the air, and scatter yourself over a large area.'

                                                 'Blackadder goes forth'