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Top Gear tests A4Q 2.8

Hi all,

This month's Top Gear magazine features a multitest of saloons with a large
engine. Among those a BMW 328i, a Mercedes C230 Kompressor and an A4 2.8
quattro. Their comment was that the A4 is easily the best one of the bunch
to look at, and the testers fully expected it to win initially. To their
surprise is was not only edged out by the BMW (which came first), but also
by the Mercedes.
Main criticisms were an overlight power steering with too little feel,
overstuffed lumbar supports in the front seats (resulting in backache),
strong sensitivity to crosswinds (sounds familiar!) and a high

Comments, anyone?

1988 80 1.8S

PS One of their comments was about the tackiness of the C230K's interior:
imagine a (fake?) carbon fibre dash trim combined with black and white
tartan seat covers...

   Tom W. Nas, graphic design                        tnas@dtpdirect.nl
   DTP Direct bv                              Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
   Apeldoorn, the Netherlands                   Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125

          Lt. George: 'Sir, what do we do when we step on a mine?'

    Capt. Blackadder: 'Well, the usual procedure is to jump sixty feet in
                      the air, and scatter yourself over a large area.'

                                                 'Blackadder goes forth'