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RE: Netiquette

Be helpful if everyone would think if 700 people want/need to read what they 
are about to send. Private email could probably replace about 40% of list 
traffic. List traffic is up about 300% in the last year - worthwhile (IMHO) 
content down by an equal amount. Haven't we about exhausted the discusions on 
lighting, synth oil and awd vs fwd/rwd??

mike miller - renton,wa
91 200q

From: 	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Dave Head
Sent: 	Monday, January 20, 1997 5:37 AM
To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: 	Netiquette

I'm not sure who else is tired of it, but the continual sniping and slamming
on this list is wearing quite thin. If those that seem to delight in this
activity are as arrogant and ego driven in public as they are when hiding
behind a keyboard, I'll be glad not to meet you. Spirited discussion is one
thing - several posts over the last month have gone well outside what anyone
could possibly consider "spirited".

I won't leave this list, but I will spring for a real copy of Eudora that
filters out said individuals. That will be sad, because "occasionally" you
submit some good information.

I'm not even sure if Unka Bart can save us this time...

********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
                                       EMCM(SW) Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 185K miles and counting... 1.8 bar boost - Whee!
                                              Maitland, Florida