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asymmetric light patterns

In message <> Bob Davis writes:

>>  Passing trucks with the euro upbeam into their mirror, response might
>> caution the advisability of higher wattage bulbs in lows>  REREAD THIS.  I
>> have found this to be true for years, better light in the ditch is hardly
>> fun....

> Not everybody out there has the patience and understanding that we all
> exhibit :-)

Over here people still use their feet quite a lot.  It's not uncommon, 
especially late at night after the pubs have closed, to come across people 
singly or in groups of up to five walking home from a nearby town.  There are 
no pavements (sidewalks) on the roads north and south of the village, and 
drunks tend not to stay on them anyway.  We live on the main road, and 
parties of singing drunks at 02:00 are not uncommon, walking the eight 
miles back to Kettering from Wellingborough or vice versa.  There are also no 
street lights. We have this thing called "the Moon" over here; it's almost full 
at present.  I took the dogs out last night at 22:00 -five hours after dusk 
-and met three fellow villagers also out with their dogs across the fields by 

Hence the importance of left-biased illumination.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club