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Re: Bentley Audi Manuals vs. Alldata

On Jan 21,  9:19am, Leah Mueller wrote:
> Subject: Re: Re: Bentley Audi Manuals vs. Alldata
> >Greetings,
> Any more thoughts from that original poster who had tried the CD?

	I tried out the AllData CD (both Repair Manual and TSB) because
	I thought it might be a less expensive alternative to the
	Bentley set.

	Bottom line: it isn't. Repair information is sketchy and incomplete.
	There are few poorly-scanned diagrams, and I didn't see *any*
	photographs at all. Many important sections of the car contain
	*only* references to relevant TSB's. If you're planning to
	work on your car often (or even at all), I think you'll find
	the AllData repair CD inadequate. The TSB section may be worth
	its price, though.

	It is possible that this lack of detail is only for my car ('91
	200Q), but I doubt it, based upon the number of models that are
	crammed into one CD.

	In summary, it could have been a great product (I would have been
	willing to pay twice as much for it), but it isn't there yet.


Arun Rao
Pixar Animation Studios
Pt. Richmond, CA 94804
(510) 215-3526