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Re: netiquette, OY!
I am including the below message to make 2 additional points--
1, As far as including the text from previous messages--When I see a message I might want to
read, it *really* helps to see it in context. Many different mini-threads end up coming from a
single message, often with the exact same subject line. For example, there are currently at
least two threads titled "netiquette" going on right now after only a few days of this topic.
How do I know what I'm reading when I pick one of these messages?
2, Email takes up next to NO bandwidth; that argument is really irrelevant, unless you've got a
300 baud modem or your provider charges you per email (if so, change both). And a good deal of
an email's 'bulk' can be in the header, often 10-20 lines, several hundred characters--this will
not change no matter how long the email is. (If you're not seeing the header, check if you
email package enables viewing headers--don't worry, they're there somewhere). I provide email
to organizations of up to 200 accounts with a single 28.8 dial up line. People also surf and do
file transfer using that same connection, with no significant speed problems. In fact, the only
time there is a problem is when someone is surfing, downlodding bandwidth hungry bloated
graphics from poorly executed web pages. Take a look at th bible, the Bandwidth Conservation
Society: http://www.infohiway.com/faster/index.html
Anyway, I hope this netiquette thread ends somtime in my lifetime, and we can get back to the
Jonathan Monetti
PS I'm grouchy this morning, so I hope the above doesn't sound too dour. I love the list and
read religiously--a lot of you guys have given me very valuable information I couldn't have
gotten elsewhere, and I think this is the perect forum for admiring, troubleshooting, gloating,
coveting, what have you. Thanks to all!
>>Let me also add my 2 cents to those complaining about the listers who copy
>whole messages and digests. I think we need to have some patience here.
>There is no easy method for people to learn netiquette, and the list
> concept
>is not clearly understood by many.
>Hmmm, agreed. If anyone ever read instructions it might help to have a
>paragraph about it in the Welcome to the Quattro List response to
>s*bscr*bing. But people don't. Hence the periodic requests to have
>explained how to un-slushcrithe from accidental slushscrithers. I just
>reply to them with the original instructions that came with my fabulous new
>toy. Tolerating other people's learning curves is something that just come
>with the territory of an open ended social arrangement like this.
>This list is definitely wiorth the email management chores it entails
>Thanks Dan.
>Huw Powell
>HUMAN Speakers
>I'd like to open my head and let out all of my time,
>But the ocean doesn't want me today...
>Tom Waits