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RE: Nice A6 Review

I don't either - the standard A6 is fairly OK, but still not much good
before you get going, and with quattro it's just plain slow, even at
highway speeds in my opinion.

OK, so maybe I'm spoiled by my 91 200qw :-)
- peter
  peterhe@microsoft.com - http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/1001
  91 200qw
  94 acura legend gs
  issaquah, wa, usa

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Greg Koehler (Volt Computer) 
>Sent:	Thursday, January 23, 1997 11:59 AM
>To:	'quattro@coimbra.ans.net.'
>Subject:	Re: Nice A6 Review
>>>" I find it hard to believe that the A6 is "slow","
>I don't.
>>>>"or even that the 5 liter V8 is standard equipment for the Mountaineer.
>the mileage :-)"
>Yep, it's standard.  Mileage is 13/16 for the Mountaineer and 19/24 for
>the A6.  Source: MSN Carpoint. Face it, Audi needs to improve on
>providing more power without drastically increasing the price, such as
>- Greg Koehler
>Kirkland, WA
>>'90 80Q